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Semalt: Benefits Of Application Building And API Integration In Seo

Nowadays, SEO has gone far beyond what we could imagine in its beginning. Thanks to API and application building, websites can now improve the traffic they and their site gets daily. Link building is important for the survival of any website. However, we have almost exhausted all the ways to get more traffic to your website, but have you ever stopped considering the advantages Applications, and API Integration could have on your website?

Yes, these two have benefits that far exceed SEO alone, but we can't negate how they can improve your SEO strategy. At Semalt, we do not advise you to spend creating an application just for SEO, considering that a good app would cost you a significant sum, and it has a value that goes far beyond SEO. However, if you already have one or plan on having one, there are several ways it could benefit your SEO strategies. 

Here are ways you can modify your app and make it SEO friendly

  • App review site
A great way to leverage a mobile app for SEO is to submit it to the app review site. Several websites are designed for one primary purpose: to review new websites and give an opinion about them. The idea is that several new users come to these sites to find new apps, and if you submit yours, you can get the attention of visitors who then visit your site. This happens because users who come to learn about a new app or have feedback regarding a new app stumbles on your app before purchasing from you. This is important because it helps you convert one time visitors to regular clients.
  • Press releases 
Thinking of how you can get a lot of traffic in one attempt, press releases will surely do wonders for your website. Although this is a bold move, it usually focuses on other aspects of your app rather than the possibility of getting viewers to search for your website. Take, for example, the press release on phones. During such occasions, there is an increased number of traffic to their websites and products. This shows that press releases are a sure way to get the public's attention to a specific product or your entire brand. 
  • Articles embedded in the app  
You can get more clicks by placing articles or web content with links on your app. You could write articles and then put them in the form of a slide show in your application. If done right, your app users will be interested in reading further, and when they click, they will be redirected to your website where the full article is contained. This way, you make your app users also visit your site.   

Google API 

Building an SEO strategy is time-consuming. This involves keyword research, niche analysis, technical audit, and link building. Amazingly, all these tasks are just a small part of SEO’s daily routine.

Building an SEO strategy is indeed very difficult when trying to reach the first page of SERP. Many things will have to go into consideration, and these aspects will need to be analyzed continuously. 

However, solving some fundamental issues, especially when dealing with a small website, isn't that difficult as long as you have the right SEO tools. But when handling several sites or websites with lots of pages, you will need to find ways to get the job done in good time. Once you reach this point, you begin to look for other methods into their working process, which usually means several SEO extensions and plugins. Using these tools are very convenient as they are easy to use. However, many people fail to recognize that APIs are the key to putting in less effort and achieving greater results when improving SEO performance. In this article, Semalt will inform you of what an API is and how you can use it to fulfil SEO tasks.

What is an API?

API is the abbreviation for the application programming interface. It is a unique set of functions that lets users access the tool's data or components. This means that an API is simply a set of methods of communication within several applications.

The benefits of APIs are quite extensive and can prove beneficial in many of such benefits is seen when developers use them to embed certain objects into a website. For example, if you see a piece of Google Maps on a site, this is an instance when Google Maps API has been used to improve a website. The same may be done with several other google apps or tools, considering that google API can be integrated into a website in the form of Gmail, Hangout, google translate and maps.

Why is API important to an SEO expert?

The right API helps experts make the process of data collection a lot simpler. Thanks to some SEO tools, websites have an opportunity for their customers to use their APIs to stay engaged and drive better results. Thanks to API, you can now request data and get it without having to manage the tool's interface.

Advantages of an API:

  • Speeds up data processing. With API, you can now get a report when you need it urgently. 
  • Customizable. You can customize your tasks and websites by combining several features to make it more engaging and informative.
  • Saves you time. Rather than having to make one request several times, you can simply conduct a batch analysis. 
API Lets you integrate the analytics in your business documentation. You can have your result better represented in an external document like Google spreadsheets.

Three tasks you can better solve with an API

Thanks to API, your SEO research can be much more flexible than with other tools. So the question now becomes how API can help you generate maximum profit. 

While you will undoubtedly have several issues when handling SEO, several platforms have been developed to help you sort through the stress of keyword research, niche analysis, and content creation. API will also solve the issue of the evaluation of the results.

This makes API effective for research.  Here are some of the tasks API may help you and your website develop better SEO strategies.

Keyword research and batch analysis of websites

In the SEO to-do list, a comprehensive niche analysis and the right keyword research are undoubtedly some of the most pressing demands whenever creating a new website. SEO tools help solve these problems with no difficulty. But how handy are these tools when analyzing each competitor or keyword individually? It is for this purpose you need APIs in the analysis.

With API taking the heavy load of conducting complex research, you can now get results easier than ever. With API, you can now conduct domain analysis, URL analysis, and keyword research features.

It also provides reports on your competitors, their domain history, top pages, related keywords, missing phrases, and more.

Content creation

Knowing the most trending topics and articles is the basic thing everyone wants to attract their target audience. Tracking your content performance helps publishers improve their strategies which drives higher traffic and engagement.

You can use APIs to discover trending topics and articles that are a hot spot, which will help you attract your target audience. Moreover, it enables you to track your content performance as we help your marketing team improve their strategies to drive higher traffic and engagement to your website. These tracking tools, as well as faster reporting, help blog owners and website owners, save time a lot. Google APIs provide a wide range of filters. By applying them, you can get highly specific reports that cab handles the content creation process. Not only will you analyze your website, but you will also be able to monitor your competition's top article. These types of results help you come up with the most engaging content for your website.

Monitor backlinks

Backlink analysis is another essential part of SEO. This process helps website owners see their link profiles’ weak points and discover new link building opportunities.

Backlinks analysis is another important part of SEO. During this process, website owners can monitor how effective the backlinks they have are functioning. They can also spot the weak points in their website backlinks and discover new opportunities they can exploit to build new links. 

Thanks to API, you can discover 

  • Backlink data 
  • You can identify live backlinks and discover when last the link was clicked on.
  • Anchor texts 
  • The date the link was added 
  • "no follow or not” tagged links
Thanks to Semalt, you can access a wide range of these API features without having to sit behind your desk and learn about APIs. By getting professionals to handle and provide for your API services, you give your website the best chance of benefiting all the services API has to offer.